Asylum Seeker
Someone who claims to be a refugee but whose claim hasn’t been evaluated (United Nations, 1948).

Climate Migrant

An individual who has been forced to leave their home as a result of the effects of climate change on their environment. Not a recognised legal category (EPRS, 2019).

Climate Passport

A proposed legal instrument to protect Climate Migrants (, 2020).


The planned, deliberate destruction of someone’s home, causing suffering to the affected individual (Porteous and Smith, 2003).

Epistemological Hierarchy

A theory of knowledge that states beings have different access to reality depending on categories which include substances, properties, relations and events. Hierarchies tend to hold one belief over another (Holmes, 2010).


Hiraeth combines elements of homesickness, nostalgia and longing. Interlaced, however, is the subtle acknowledgement of an irretrievable loss – a unique blend of place, time and people that can never be recreated. This unreachable nature adds an element of grief, but somehow it is not entirely unwelcome (Crossley-Baxter, 2021).


The use of social and political management that illuminates how governments assign differential value to human life (Mbembe, 2003).


Refugees are people who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country (Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951).


An emotional state of melancholic or nostalgic longing for something that one loves despite it not necessarily being real. It often carries a repressed knowledge that it may never be had again or attained in one's lifetime.


The pain or distress caused by the loss of a comforting place; the sense of desolation people feel, consciously or unconsciously, when their home or land is lost to phenomena such as wildfires, flooding, drought etc. (Albrecht, 2017).

*This is a live glossary with evolving terminology and definitions.